What's Changing?
Clarity: Improving overall clarity of the Guidelines.
- Changes include document layout and organization (e.g. structural), inclusion of additional definitions and formatting.
- Additional clarity for licensee obligations, such as:
- Clarifying that information provided in the CE tracker (included with existing Guidelines) does not count as an official record of CE completion
- Outlining requirements equivalency criteria for non-BC resident holders
- Clarifying CE credit carry-over eligibility
Eligibility for CE credit: additional criteria to determine what constitutes eligible education time.
- For example, courses must be structured, have learning objectives and provable.
Calculating credit: including information on how credits are calculated, specifically for content beyond 15-minute increments.
CE Accreditation Program: the Guidelines now include references to the CE Accreditation Program.
Technical content: updating technical content criteria in the Guidelines, including new or different content categories, which include:
- Improving customer outcomes (applies to all Guidelines)
- Financial planning (applies to Life and A&S Guidelines)
- Agency and licensee supervision and management (applies to all Guidelines)
- Changes to current Guidelines which include expanding/modifying eligible legislative, ethics and errors and omissions (E&O) content
Compliance and record-keeping: clearer language and specifying the types of information licensees must maintain.
Exceptions: a new section detailing circumstances where the CE requirements may not be required.
- Licensees will not need to complete CE during their first licence period after receiving a new licence once the Guidelines are approved.
To review the revised CE Guidelines by licence class, please visit the links below: